EcoBiz Co., Ltd. is committed to contributing to the local community based on our philosophy of balancing global environmental preservation with our business activities of the development, manufacture, procurement, and sales of logistics packaging material products such as EcoBizBoxes for transportation and storage purposes.
① We will promote resource conservation, recycling, waste reduction, and energy conservation, and work to combat global warming in all of our operations.
② We strive to provide environmentally friendly, energy-saving products.
③ We will set environmental objectives and targets, strive to achieve them, and continuously improve on them.
④ We will comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations, as well as other agreed upon requirements, in striving to prevent pollution.
⑤ We will strive to achieve sustainable use and to reduce the impact of our activities on biological diversity.
⑥ This policy will be communicated to all employees and made publicly available externally.
November 1st, 2011
Sawachi Katsuaki, President, EcoBiz Co., Ltd.